


In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario and his partners breathe out puffs of air when in cold areas. However, when taking any additional follower character to a cold area (through the use of exploits), we can see that out of all playable characters, only Mario and his partners are programmed to breathe.

only Mario and his partners are programmed to breathe

Once more, @suppermariobroth is absolutely masterful at writing 100% factual things about mario games that sound creepy as hell.



It’s possible for a grown man standing a couple of feet away, but we’re talking about a little kid hurling it from a bike out on the street, and nobody folds newspapers that tightly (I know–I was a paper girl when I was a kid).

Paperboy still lied to us.  You don’t know how disappointed I was to never find that obstacle course at the end of my route.

Are you just going to gloss over the fact it’s in time with the Evangelion theme?