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Poor Gaster….He just did not notice…. ..

Switch up the format a little bit. Hopefully this makes it easier for you guys to read. 

Some of you have inform me that the baby blasters look like the googly eyes blaster from this comic, Sorry did not know about that :P, But please check it out, it is really funny. Here is the link. Click here

Bonus (..I like to think that Gaster picks on nobody but Sans ):



I wanted to draw Amethyst again … and then I thought … what if the crystal gems had personalized tattoos as apart of their emblem/group?
*click for better viewing*



*parts a bead curtain as i enter the room, carrying a glass of lemonade* 


nothing you ever read, watch, or participate in will be ideologically pure and without its problems. your quest to consume the most unproblematic material will be, in the end, fruitless. your enjoyment of anything will be sapped away, leaving you a husk starved for media.

 it is okay to enjoy things that have problems to them, so long as you do it critically and with an open mind, and take care to consider others.

*leaves the way i came*

This is possibly the healthiest post I’ve seen on this site


bubble blowin’ babies