

Tell the world that I’m

Falling from the skyyyyy~

This is so rad



okay but also can we talk about the episode where natasha was a vampire

and she 

ran into a mirror

because she couldn’t see her own reflection and just

knocked herself out

This is the best piece of vampire fiction I have ever laid eyes on


So… today is a pretty special day to dirce4rumir and I~

(it’s been a month since we started daiting, and I couldn’t be happier~*) So I made this, since we met each other in person for the first time when Hit the Diamond aired and well, here you go beautiful~* hope you like it 


Cat owners 


100 reasons why I love Ran Mouri


  1. She’s a human being with weaknesses. She is not an ideal Mary-Sue. In fact every DC girl is.
  2. She is strong and beautiful.
  3. She is tender and kind.
  4. She is understanding and forgiving.
  5. Her clothing. Her dressing style. Everything looks amazing.
  6. She was sure Conan was Shinichi for about 20 chapters and she was quiet about it. She literally had every moment in every chapter to call him out on it, but she donated her blood instead. Only at this moments we can hear her thoughts.
  7. She figured out Shinichi=Conan first in the series. She was tricked later, but she was the one who made this deduction first.
  8. She loves her mother but stayed with her father because she knew he’ll hit the rock bottom otherwise. It was hard but she managed. A little girl was in charge of whole Mouri house.
  9. She is in charge of Mouri household right now. She’s cleaning, cooking, wait…
  10. She’s cooking. She’s able to cook for her family. And for Shinichi (canon info)
  11. She’s still trying to make her parents family again.
  12. As Shinichi said, Ran and Sonoko’s friendship. She never took money from her.
  13. Ran and Sonoko friendship in general. 
  14. She still uses old flip-phone Shinichi gifted to her.
  15. She is sensitive and romantic.
  16. She was different from her classmates and realized she’s in love only when she was 15. 
  17. She’s so cute when jealous 😀
  18. With series progress, Ran matured so hard. In fact, I believe she matured onwards from Desperate Revival arc.
  19. Ran is a big sister to everyone. Ran is so Akemi-like to Haibara it hurts.
  20. Ran SAVED little girl from the bullets.
  21. Actually, Ran saw pictures of Shinichi in Jodie’s locker and decided to hide in trunk to find out what’s going on. 
  22. Ran actually asked fake Azusa/Vermouth she’s NOT Azusa. Ran asked a person perfectly disguised as her friend if she is a CRIMINAL who shot her. That was dangerous, Ran…
  23. Ran has telepathic link with Shinichi in canon. I’m talking about School Bombing case. 
  24. Ran is believable. She can be angry, sad, laugh at something on TV and be sarcastic. 
  25. Ran is ordinary everyday Japanese girl, not a secret agent, not detective, but she saved people.
  26. In fact, she saved Vermouth, thus indirectly protecting Shinichi (since Sharon knows about Conan=Shinichi because she was a close friend of Yukiko)
  27. She saved serial killer. She. Saved. Serial. Killer.
  28. Also she saved a person from being crushed to death with armour.
  29. Ran saved a bomber in detective agency because the believes nobody deserves to die. She just did it. Also she believed Shinichi would do the same.
  30. Ran found a way to the locked apartment to save a dying person, without any fear that there could be a criminal. 
  31. Ran actually said to Shinichi that he would’ve done the same to make him stop worrying. He didn’t, but.. 
  32. Ran actually went into the burning house to save a person she believed is her love rival. She was SCARED about her.
  33. Ran prayed about her ‘love rival’ to be fine and alive. 
  34. Said ‘love rival’ actually teased her and gave wrong instructions but Ran made lemon pie Shinichi found tasty. How? I don’t know, I’m too busy melting at happy Shinichi/Conan with Ran’s pie.
  35. She saw SO MANY horrible things but still remains positive.
  36. She’s scared of everything supernatural but
  37. She actually went to the school at night with Shinichi. To be honest, I would’ve refused to go at her age…
  38. Her friendship with Shinichi.
  39. Her blissful ignorance of Shinichi’s love 😀 
  40. Her LOVE with Shinichi.
  41. Actually, those two love has 100+ reasons to love too. 
  42. After all those years together, they act alike and they value the same things.
  43. After Shinichi confessed to her, she worked as a team with him. In fact, their teamwork is the best. If only he didn’t revert to Conan.
  44. Ran agreed to play detective and to reveal the criminal. It was a shock to her, but she DID reveal her favourite teacher. 
  45. Ran is not a detective, but she figured out a case.
  46. Ran is smart. Not genius like Shinichi, but she tries her best.
  47. Ran is daring.
  48. Ran is faithful. Even when they were not a couple (they still not a couple officially BUT) she NEVER looked at anyone but Shinichi.
  49. Ran nonchalantly took off her sweater (a gift from mother) to show Kazuha she has no interest in Heiji.
  50. Ran is a big shipper of Heiji and Kazuha. In fact, so does Shinichi 😀
  51. Ran also ships Sato and Takagi (but so does everyone :D)
  52. AND Ran also ships Sonoko and Makoto. Ran is us, people.
  53. Ran would become a great mother. Non-canon she supported DB in their love life (Movie 5) 
  54. Ran is strong, not only physically, but mentally. She breaks down only when something really happens. 
  55. She endured a year (canon) without her best friend/loved person being with her. He always was close to her.
  56. Imagine yourself at her place: somebody dear to you suddenly disappears and you got his small relative instead. 
  57. She had a time when she thought Shinichi really disappeared (before bowtie invention). Imagine that. She thought he might’ve been dead. Still, smiled for Conan.
  58. She silently took ‘call me Kudo-kun, Mouri-san’-phase and accepted that. 
  59. She genuinely loves Conan as a little brother.
  60. I wonder why she knows so much about children treatment… Maybe she wanted to become elementery teacher at some point of her life?
  61. Ran is feminine martial art master. She wears cute clothes and she can kick your butt.
  62. In fact, throughout the series she kicked a lot of butts.
  63. Ran took an armed gang of 40-50 people with Makoto. In ten minutes, I believe.
  64. Before that she cleverly tricked Agasa into revealing Conan’s whereabouts. If she didn’t do it, Conan would’ve been long dead. Even if you have kick-enhancing boots, those people will slice you up before you kick ball. 
  65. Ran’s nickname suits her well. 
  66. Ran is a guardian angel. 
  67. She protects people without having second thoughts.
  68. She saved Conan’s life when he didn’t have any gadgets = we continue watching series thanks to Ran
  69. She knows about Conan gadgets, btw. Thus I produce a lot of stupid theories, but that’s not the point here.
  70. In anime – her VA is amazing. Wakana Yamazaki didn’t play a lot of roles, but her voice is so distinguishing. 
  71. In anime – RESPECT YOURSELF, MUTEKI NA HEART (characterized her well imo)
  72. In anime – she encouraged Conan to sing with her in Karaoke so tenderly I melted.
  73. In canon Ran is not a damsel in distress. Why people call her damsel in distress if there were no case in canon where Ran had to be saved. 
  74. In movies she’s not a damsel in distress either. In fact, she saved Conan (M2), (M5), landed an airplane (M8), kicked spy’s butt (M15) and did a lot of other awesome things, sadly non-canon.
  75. Oh, and she sacrificed herself in movie 6. Like. Sacrificed her life.
  76. In movie 13 (the most non canon of them all, sorry) she actually DODGED A BULLET.
  77. Oh, and fought BO agent. The only reason she lost – she saw a RIPPED PERSON FACE. That’s pretty scary.
  78. And in movie 15 her fingers bleeded when she was trying to search Conan. Again, non-canon but that’s how non-canon directors portray Ran. It shows somehing, right?
  79. To be honest, Ran is my role model.
  80. Courage is a word of justice. It means the quality of mind that enables one to face apprehension with confidence and resolution. It is not right to use it as an excuse to kill someone. – yeah, THIS

  81. I just remembered that she was always there when Shinichi had breakdowns – she hugged him at Akemi death and was with him in moonlight Sonata case.
  82. Ran actually played on stage. 
  83. Twice (if we count non-canon OVA)+non-canon AO where she played in a drama. 
  84. Also I’m in love of how she deals with criminals and everyone who rushed to save her are staying with dot eyes ‘oh. riight’
  85. I’m still going on about how KIND she is after all that crap in her life.
  86. Ran is oddly 3D although she’s a 2D anime heroine…
  87. That’s maybe cheating, but again – Ran’s sense of style. Everything she wears is so cute, beautiful and feminine. I never saw her wearing anything that looked bad.
  88. Ran took Sera’s Jeet Kune Do one by one and befriended her afterwards. Sera was trained by Shuichi Akai.
  89. Oh, and she met Akai on street and while Conan was afraid of him/for her she actually talked with him (sending Conan into BSoD)
  90. She kicked Akai Shuichi, FBI agent (disguised as Subaru). 
  91. She lied to said Subaru about ‘Kinichi’-kun because she was not sure about him and she wanted to protect Shinichi. 
  92. Non-canon she was able to find out who Kid and the only way she was tricked into believing he was Shinichi is because Conan told about ShinRan childhood before. That rises a question – did Ran thought afterwards HOW Kid could’ve known it, huh,
  93. Oh, last ten reasons? Let’s keep them short – Ran is so beautiful and has so many various expressions sometimes I want to screen everything.
  94. Her hair is also beautiful. And when she was a little Ran, her hair were so cute.
  95. In fact, I’ll include smol Ran as a reason to love Ran, because smol Ran is everything to me.
  96. Ran is Gosho’s favourite character.  
  97. Yukiko ships her with her son 😀
  98. HAIBARA ships them!
  99. Heck, almost every DC cast ships ShinRan.
  100. I wrote 100 reasons to love Ran Mouri, and I wrote it quickly, because those reasons wanted to be written. If you have 100 reasons to love some character, this character deserves love.


u could say u swept her off her feet, ruby….. or she urs