
What if the memories of Ford is the last piece of puzzle to Stan’s recovery?

What if slowly Stan remembers Waddles, then Mabel and Dipper, then Soos and Wendy, even Gideon, but still has no idea why there’s a stranger looking just like himself?


What was your favorite part of the Gravity Falls finale?

Alex Hirsch introducing Alex Hirsch to anime, Alex Hirsch obliterating Alex Hirsch with a punch to the face, or Alex Hirsch inheriting the Mystery Shack from Alex Hirsch?



I’ve never storyboarded before, so I’m really, really nervous about this. Ahhhhh-!!! But I’m also super excited.

First 15% of the song I want to fully storyboard. My biggest regrets is that I couldn’t do everything I wanted to within the “Home scene”. I feel like there were a lot of things I could have done with it, but I just didn’t have enough time for the thing I was going for, unfortunately.

Nevertheless, I hope that this is recepted well!! I’ve been working sooo hard on this! Please feel free to share this, or to give me your criticism. I’d love some feedback!

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox,
And here is the bandcamp where you can purchase or listen to the song “Cascade”.

Students and Teachers


A missing scene from the finale between Dipper and Ford, something I believe could have happened off-screen and thus wrote about. Enjoy these two cute dorks being cute dorks.

(No longer tagging spoilers, but this is set during the finale, so be aware)

Something wet licked a stripe across his cheek, causing Dipper to slink his way out of a deep, warm blanket of slumber. With a few rapid blinks, he found Waddles’ pink snout nestled against his face, while the pig remained blissfully asleep, maybe dreaming about a whole cornicorn worth of cobs. When in reality, all he’d managed to do was slather Dipper in slobber.

Yuck! Stan was right, that stuff was jarring.

Keep reading


Imagine all the little encouragements Ford gives to his brother.

Stan reeling in a huge catch, explaining to Ford the best way to fish. Ford already knows, he has many hunting skills now, but he nods and listens as Stan explains instead of cutting him off or correcting him. Because this is one of the few things Stan is proud of himself for, and Ford wants him to feel validated.

Stan struggling with recovering memory, and getting frustrated to the point of snapping, hitting himself on the head, calling himself ‘dumb’ and ‘stupid’. Ford gently talking him down, patiently sitting with him. “You’re not stupid, Stan. You’re doing so well. It will take some time, but we’ll get through this together, I promise. Now let’s look at this picture again… ”

Stan taking down a supernatural sea creature and saving them both. Ford doesn’t even hold back his praise, “Stan that was absolutely incredible! Do you know how hard it is to defeat a sharkataur? Even the best sailors have met their match against one! You are truly one of a kind to be able to kick that things scaly butt back where it belongs! My brother, the sharkataur slayer! Hah!” Stan just beams, and can’t help but feel happy that his brother, the nerd genius, who he has spent his whole life trying to catch up to, is proud of him.

it’s really confusing because there’s official art of sans with both sneakers and slippers




stupid headcanon: some timelines sans wears slippers, some timelines sans wears sneakers



Whether or not Sans is wearing slippers or sneakers is an indicator of which timeline he’s in.

If he’s wearing slippers, it’s the Pacifist route because he’s relaxed knowing that you’re not going to hurt anybody.
But if it’s Genocide, watch out! ‘Cuz Sans is lacin’ up his sneaks so he can stay in a relatively active mood and do everything he can to stop you.